Youth Climate Save is the first youth led climate movement that focuses on climate change and its connection to animal agriculture.
We work with schools, governments, and hospitals in international communities to help create campaigns, events, and legislation that can help the environment and animals.
Our aim is to give the youth a platform to have their voices heard about all issues affecting the climate. Because animal agriculture is the leading cause of the environmental disaster our world is currently facing, we believe in spreading the importance of adopting a vegan diet and lifestyle to help the oceans, deforestation, species extinction, animal suffering and to improve health.
By Youth,
For the Planet
I launched Youth Climate Save in 2020. Being unable to perform my usual activism and attend speaking engagements while in quarantine, I wanted to find a new way to continue helping the animals and the planet. When I became a climate activist years ago, I realized most climate activists and organizations didn't talk about animal agriculture, they mostly focused on fossil fuels. I knew that we couldn’t fight climate change without addressing animal agriculture.
So, I put out a call to action on Instagram for youth to join a new movement focused on animals and the environment. Within a few days, youth from around the world messaged me to join forces and help put an end to animal agriculture for the sake of the animals and the planet. It is amazing and encouraging to see how passionate people my age are when it comes to raising awareness on issues that matter the most to them.
What We Do
Starting Youth Climate Save has really given myself and other animal rights activists a platform to get information about the ties between animal agriculture and the environment out to people. When they see how we are passionate about this and find out how many initiatives are happening simultaneously worldwide to address these issues, they have no choice but to listen to us.
There are currently 73 Youth Climate Save chapters in 22 countries and they continue to grow. Youth Climate Save is packed with energetic and passionate youth that are committed to making a difference when it comes to climate related issues. Youth organizers attend weekly meetings to chat about upcoming actions they want to focus on. Covid-19 has put a halt to several in-person activities, but Youth Climate still gives youth an opportunity to speak up for the planet and animals via digital means.